Brows Lane, Formby

Home/Architecture, Planning/Brows Lane, Formby
Brows Lane, Formby 2017-10-13T10:30:14+01:00

Project Description

Address: Brows Lane, Formby, L37

Project: Demolition of the existing bungalow and erection of a new two storey dwelling, attached double garage including alterations to the external areas and vehicular access including new boundary walls and gates.

PSA Services:     We were retained on this project after taking over from another Consultant to obtain Planning and Building Regulations Approvals. We produced sketch schemes and attended meetings with Client, submitted Pre-application Enquiry and held discussions with Planning Officer. Following a positive Pre-application response (subject to certain conditions) we produced design drawings and specification for submission with planning (including preparation of design and access statement) and building regulations applications; attended further meetings with Client; liaised with Planning Officer, Building Control Officer and Sub-consultants; acted as agent for the duration of the application process. Following receipt of Planning and Building Regulations Approvals, we submitted further planning applications for Approval of Details Reserved by a Condition following Grant of Planning Approval and  Non-Material Amendment application for elevational alterations, both of which were approved.

Comments: We took this project over from another Consultant as progress had stalled with the Planners. This was a challenging project and involved prolonged discussions with the Planning Department concerning the siting and sizing of the dwelling; leading to successful receipt of Planning Permission to the client’s satisfaction. This proposal created an opportunity to bring an outdated site back into character by demolishing the existing bungalow and detached garage and creating a contemporary living space, whilst maintaining aesthetics to compliment the surrounding area.